Post CTCL Event Inquiry

    First-Year Student or Transfer Student (required)

    Intended Start Term for College (required)

    Your First Name (required)

    Your Middle Name

    Your Last/Family Name (required)

    Birthdate, listed as YYYY-MM-DD (required)

    Your Gender

    Your Citizenship (required)

    US CitizenDual US CitizenOther

    If you wish to be identified with a particular ethnic group, please select all that apply:

    African American, African, BlackNative American, Alaskan NativeAsian AmericanAsian, including Indian SubcontinentHispanic, LatinoMexican American, ChicanoNative Hawaiian, Pacific IslanderPuerto RicanWhite, CaucasianMulti-ethnic

    Your Email (required)

    Your Parent's Email

    Your Mailing Address - Street (required)

    Your Mailing Address - City (required)

    Your Mailing Address - State (required)

    Your Mailing Address - Postal Code (required)

    Mobile Phone Number

    Colleges may text me (required)

    Your High School Name (required)

    Your High School CEEB Code

    Your High School City

    High School Graduation Year (required)

    Your GPA

    ACT Test Score

    SAT Test Score

    College Transferring From (if applicable)

    Academic interests listed at time of registration:

    Additional academic interests?

    anthropologyartart history/conservationbiologybusinesschemistrycomparative literatureeconomicseducation/teachingengineeringEnglish/English literatureenvironmental scienceethnic studiesFrenchgeologyGermanhistoryhumanitiesinternational relationsLatin American studiesmathematicsmusic/performancemusic historynursingphilosophyphysical therapyphysicspolitical sciencepre-dentistrypre-lawpre-medicinepre-pharmacypre-veterinarypsychologyrecreational therapyreligionsocial worksociologySpanishspeech/communicationssports medicine/trainingtheatreundecidedother

    Select any college/s from which you would like to receive information. You can select as many as you like but only need to fill out and submit this form once.

    Agnes Scott College (Women Only)Allegheny CollegeAntioch CollegeAustin CollegeBard CollegeBeloit CollegeBirmingham-Southern CollegeCentre CollegeClark UniversityCornell CollegeDenison UniversityEarlham CollegeEckerd CollegeEmory & Henry CollegeThe Evergreen State CollegeGoucher CollegeGuilford CollegeHampshire CollegeHendrix CollegeHillsdale CollegeHiram CollegeHope CollegeJuniata CollegeKalamazoo CollegeKnox CollegeLawrence UniversityUniversity of LynchburgMarlboro CollegeMcDaniel CollegeMillsaps CollegeNew College of FloridaOhio Wesleyan UniversityReed CollegeRhodes CollegeSouthwestern UniversitySt. Johns College (MD and NM)Saint Mary's College (CA)St. Olaf CollegeUniversity of Puget SoundUrsinus CollegeWabash College (Men Only)Wheaton College (IL)Whitman CollegeWillamette UniversityCollege of Wooster